Monday, December 27, 2010

It's a boy!!!!

Hopefully, someday I will update this blog with our Christmas update, but I know if I don't get this pregnancy update out, some family members might panic.

We went in today to have our 20 week ultrasound.  I won't officially be 20 weeks until Thursday, but we were able to get all the measurements that we needed.  Everything looks really good, and we found out that we are having a boy.  We took Makenzie and Morgan with us.  Morgan told us before we went back that he KNEW we were going to have a girl.  I really hoped that he would not throw a fit if it ended up being a boy.

The technician had a tough time finding out the sex of the baby.  Our little guy kept his feet tucked up under his bottom for most of the ultrasound.  When she finally announced that it was a boy, Morgan jumped off his chair and began jumping and dancing around the room.  He is so excited.  The whole way home they kids kept singing, "It's a boy, it's a boy, it's a boy."  I was a little worried that Makenzie would feel bad that she will always be the only girl, but she was very excited to have another brother.

I will go in in a week, and I think the doctor and I will be discussing how to proceed for the rest of the pregnancy.  The only problem that the technician could find is my placenta is low.  She said that they will most likely keep an eye on it, but that it should lift back up as the pregnancy progresses.

I woke up in a panic last night, sure that things would not go well today.  My fears always seem huge in the night.  I'm so glad that I was wrong.  I feel very relieved now that we have checked everything out.  Hopefully I can quit worrying so much.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Once again, I am posting very late, so hopefully I can keep this short.

I went to the doctor today, and I had a quick appointment.  The ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat, and a very active baby.  So stinking cute!  I desperately hope I get to see this little one for real someday.

I have been having some problems with my mouth.  It is so sore, swollen and sensitive.  It is the first time I have experienced anything like this.  When I explained it to the doctor, he said that it might be thrush.  They put me on a mouthwash, and he let me know that if I don't see a dramatic improvement in 48 hours, quit using it.

I will go into the doctor for a very quick check-up next week.  The clinic is completely booked, but the nurse pulled some strings and double booked an appointment for me that is just long enough to squeeze in a quick ultrasound.  I explained to the nurse that I wanted to bring my kids to the big ultrasound on the 27th, but I am worried after the horror of last time.  She suggested bringing the kids, the technician can take me back first and make sure everything is okay, and then bring the kids back.  I sure do love my nurses.  They take very good care of me!

I think I am feeling the baby move more, but I also thought that I felt the baby moving before each of my miscarriages, and the baby had been dead for three weeks at that point.  It is still reassuring.  I have discovered that large amounts of stress bring on very painful cramps, and I have also started having back pain this week.  I will be 18 weeks along on Thursday.  We are almost halfway there!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dr. Appointment- 16 weeks

I completely forgot that I told my sister I would update my blog after I had my doctor's appointment today.  It was a very routine appointment.  I will be 17 weeks on Thursday.  The babies I miscarried died at 16 to 17 weeks.  When the nurse took me into the room, another nurse came in right after us.  She let me know that she had a mom who was very early in her pregnancy that needed the room.  They had tried to find her baby's heartbeat with the Doppler device, and were unable to find it.  They were going to look with the ultrasound (That poor mom!  I hope everything turned out okay for her).  The nurse looked at my chart, and she saw that we had checked the baby just a week ago.  She asked me if we could skip it this week.  I let her know that I really needed to see the baby, and to make sure it was okay.  I explained the situation to her, and she was very accommodating.  We had a quick ultrasound to see the baby's heartbeat.  The little guy/girl moved around just enough to let us know it was okay, and then they whisked me to another room that didn't have an ultrasound machine where I talked to the doctor for a while.  I have another appointment in a week, and then I have my big ultrasound scheduled for December 27th.  Hubby and kids all have work and school off that day, so we need to figure out if everyone is going to come, or if just some of us are going to go.  I talked to the kids about it after school today.  Allen decided that he does not want to go.  Michael was very concerned.  He kept asking if the baby is okay, and if we will be seeing a dead baby on the ultrasound.  I did remind them how the ultrasound went the last pregnancy, and I let them know that that could happen again.  Morgan is so excited to see the baby kick around inside of me.  He wasn't with us last time, and I think he is less traumatized than the other kids are.  I am a little scared, but I am also very excited.  I really hope and pray that everything will go perfectly this time.