Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost Full Term!

I just wanted to give a quick update.  I saw my doctor today, and things are looking good.  Last night, I felt the baby flip a full 180 degrees.  I had been concerned that the baby was breech, and so I was relieved to feel it flip over.  The doctor checked today on an ultrasound, and sure enough, the baby is now head down.  Hopefully it will stay that way.  He has been going back and forth for the last few weeks.  If the baby is breech when I go into labor, they will take it by C-section.  I am 50% effaced, and dilated to 2 cm.  The doctor said that this baby will not be coming anytime soon.  On Thursday, I will be 37 weeks, and this baby will be officially full term.  My doctor will not induce me, and so that adds a little bit of uncertainty to this whole thing.  I like being able to plan, but I guess for the next while, the baby will be making the plans.

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