Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Doctor's Visit

Today, I had my last doctor's visit of my pregnancy.  I was wrong when I said my doctor doesn't induce.  I found out that he will, but only after 39 weeks.  I am scheduled for an induction on Friday.  I am still dilated to 2 cm, and 50% effaced.  I can't sleep.  I am measuring big.  I am nauseous every day.  I am constantly plagued by heartburn.  My ribs are so sick of being kicked. 

I am so glad that this pregnancy has gone so well.  The end of a pregnancy is always tough, and I definitely complain a lot, but I am so grateful that I get to add a new little boy to my family this week.  The kids are so excited, and hopefully with the induction, it will make all the scheduling that needs to take place easier for everyone.  It still feels very unreal to me.  I am just a few days away from giving birth again, but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it.  I feel like I am still bracing myself so I won't get hurt if things don't go well.  I am sure, once I feel the weight of that baby in my arms, it will all become real to me.  I have a feeling this is going to be a very emotional weekend.

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